four- something new..
Ok this the the post a few of you have been waiting for, some of you have no clue what I'm talking about and as for the others, (especially you- you know who I'm talking about 'mr red-floating-spheres' >_O) be silent =P
Ok as you all know, I'm not single.. and I absolutely suck at it XD So here's the story..
Once apon a time, in a small sunny island called malta, situated in the middle of the mediterranean sea (yes, I want to make this sound pretty =P) a young couple decided to give each other, well err, a special hug and thus, I was born (scared you right there didn't I =P ?) .. Sixteen years and 9 and a half months later, I oh so reluctantly walked into henry j beans in quite a pissed off mood because the last thing that I felt like doing was face painting little kids for three hours on a sunday afternoon when all of my friends were out somewhere enjoying themselves without me. Now not only was I going to embarras myself by having little toddlers drool all over me all afternoon, but I actually had to ask this random guy (whom I now know as allan) if I had anything dropped off for me =| Ok so I started that "life changing" afternoon by blowing up red 'henry j beans' balloons (only making me look even more stupid XD) until vince came and gave me the lilac and fuscia groovy chick bag that held all the face paints.. I think you got it- I didn't like the idea of working that day =P
So I sat down and did what I thought was wasted an hour and a half of my life when allan came up to me and asked if i wanted a job there.. reaction -> yessss =O lol. That is when I felt all eyes on me- BOOM! How embarrassing. I look at this random guy behind the bar and see him speaking to allan and just staring at me. "Oh shit- look down and pretend to be busy." That's what passed through my head at that time. I don't know how realistic it could have possibly looked but yeah, it made me feel better. I later on got to find out that at that precise moment allan had told 'the barman' aka duncan *the boyfriend* that I seem quiet and to basically forget tainting my mind.. teehee opps =P
Well, twelve days later I get a phonecall from hanks asking me to go in the following night- now that was embarrassing. I went to y4j to practise for the mass the next morning and then kinda ran it to hanks, forgetting all the jewelry that's been inpaled into my ears, well, impaled onto me and other stuff. So I stood there near the bar with (as far as I remember correctly) duncan, james and someone else removing all my 11 earings, rings and the rubbish around my neck and wrists. I was honestly so embarrassed it was sickening. Ok day one passed bla bla day two arrived. "Ooooh mr goodlooking barman is here again, what's his name again.. duncan! ah yes- remember that rache" <- my brain speaking to me on the sunday haha. Twelve days after that, I worked on friday night- the place was practically empty. I started the night off by asking duncan where to fill the spray to clean the tables with from.. He showed me and made it a point to wet me too =P At a time, I was being my usual innocent self in the kitchen cleaning cutlary when in comes this duncan guy and starts pissing around with steve (the chef) and drawing on the hats, gets it smothered in bbq sauce and tries to put it on me- nice. Then there was the power wash that's used to wash the dishes.. I got slightly wet, seriously- not much. Well eventually he asked me how I was getting home and I said that I was iether going to walk it or my mum was coming for me and he told me that he'd take me home. I, being the stupid little girl that I am, was all full of butterflies inside (lool what a girl). Well sadly enough my mum was already outside and I had to (once again) embarras myself by rejecting the lift home.
Believe me, the next day all my close 'girlie' friends knew about this duncan guy and he was (without being seen) labeled mr sexy >.< Fine I must admit to saying something like, I don't know, "oh my God guys what the hell I was getting a lift with......." I won't elaborate =P
The friday after the same thing happened. I had found him on hi5 and I felt so hilarious when he called me near him and gave me a piece of paper with his msn address- honestly, I felt like I was caught in some kind of film lol. He asked me to come and see him the following night at hanks and I willingly agreed. I( got the lift home that time haha =P) Just in case any of you are thinking "how cute, she went to see him at work" I didn't, but I wanted to. No one wanted to come with me and I wasn't going to go alone.. duhhh =P So the next day I was just about to walk out of the door to go home from work when I found myself facing him through a glass door, a LOCKED glass door. How great was that, being stuck looking at a guy that I had a crush on (making me feel like I was 12 again) through a glass door after I 'stood him up' the night before *slap across the face*. Well I went to hanks with jean and steve that night to try and make it up to him haha. I will leave out a few of the stupid things that I said but I got his number, well he took my phone and dialed it (slightly obvious don't you think ;) ?)
The day after, I messaged him. Yes, I got fed up waiting for a message so I did it myself =P On tuesday we planned to meet at 4pm to go out as a group of the staff for carnival. What he didn't tell me was that we were ment to meet at 6pm at hanks haha. So those two hours were kinda akward but funny. After going to hanks we went to valletta and he asked if I was single and I said yes and the next thing I know is his arms were around me and we were joking around in the street and when we went back to paceville, at bar native, there was the 'famous kiss'.. cuuuute. The real embarrassing moment was walking out of the place and up the stairs near cube.. He kissed me and guess who was standing right infront of us- allan. You should have seen my face- priceless. Anyways He walked me to where my mum was picking me up (another long story, no time for diversions =P) and that's about it. The next day He came for me at school- LOL! That honestly was funny XD And the friday after that, when I was leaving work to go home, He asked me out. Now you'd think that I would have jumped at him, or maybe just said yes. But no, I had to embarras myself even further. I looked at him and he was like, "you don't want to?" and I was like, "no no it's just er.. I'm a virgin and I want to remain one." I have no clue what I was expecting but all I know is that I went red which is quite weird cos I'm usually quite bold and upfront with my decisions, I guess it was cos I barely knew him. Well he looked releaved (he thought I was going to tell him that I wans't actually single) and told me that he didn't expect anything out of me.
Well that was around 7 weeks and two hours ago haha. All I can really say is that it's been so different to anything before. Who on earth would have thought that I would have all of this just plonked right onto my lap.. a job (a ticket to soul survivor =P) and a boyfriend who I honestly really do trust and care about. I don't seem to sound codependent, not at all- I refuse to be dependent on anything or anyone other than Jesus and my bible, but I just really am glad that I have you (turned to duncan now), you just really make me smile =) (haha don't take this personally guys, you all make me smile my darling chickens) I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not going to say that this is what, the best thing ever and it's picture perfect and some kinda fariytale bla bla blehhh but it's a relationship that can be worked on and it's great just the way it is =D It's healthy (like a nice green amy/rache-made salad not from mc donalds lool), it's honest and it's just fun you know. Ahhh life's good =)
So all I really want to say is thanks for the last 7 weeks of my life, you really make me feel special and you really do mean so much to me =) Oh and I'm sorry for all the times when, you know, I forgot you =P But I never actually DID forget you, you're always on my mind, it's just.. I don't know =S I guess I just get carried away..
I think that I'm too tired to continue now it's 2:30am and I didn't exactly sleep well last night, at all, so I'm seeing all blurry and my eyes are closing on me haha.
Here's what I'm trying to get at, these may just be words, but it's a way in which I can express myself. Yet I don't have any words for this, it's so strange. So all that I can really say is thanks for everything so far, God's really blessed me with you.
Well kids, good night. Sorry it wasn't too nteresting, I think it's my mood. If i was more, wel, awake it may have been slightly more fun to read =P Oh and please say a prayer for the people living in slums tonight, then I see it rain I think of them more than ever.
Blessings =)