Hello world,
So, I finally went home after 4 days of living at kris and going to work XD Spend like an hour and a half at home and left, went to dan for like an hour and now came to work.
Packing my stuff up before leaving kris' house, I realised that I couldn't find my glasses. NO SPECTACLES OH NOES!! Luckily I found them here haha =)
Ok so most of us got our results.. I say most of us because Alevel results haven't come out yet so we have to wait till tomorrow to know who has resits, is going to uni, starting to work full time or just taking a gap year =) I, very unexpectedly, am officially a second year =| my marks were totally unpredictable and I must say, I expected a second set to come in today giving me my actual results. Non of us, so far, are repeating first year which is molto grand.. Though I think that even though I don't have any resits, I will start "studying" a teeny weeny bit from next week.. I really do mean teeny weeny like 2 hours a week MAX lol.
I just can't believe I'm actually going up to second year after two years, I don't know, it seems so weird =S I think mainly cos I don't know what to do with my life =/ I know I want to do a couple of random courses like nails, make up, hair, photography, maybe cooking.. (scuba diving XD)
The 1 year beauty course at mcast interests me too.. I know I'm doing my tefl this autumn. So I'll probably take a year to do the courses I want to do and then perhaps go to uni if anything interests me XD
I have a killer headache, I'm feeling so so sick lately =( very sadening *sniffle*
AHHHHHH! Maja, tom, nigel and matt just came to see me.. MAJA =D she's back haha it was so funny I just waved normally all happy and then it clicked, it's maja =D yeyyyy she's back!! haha, she left for like a month =P
Haha dan just came to see me =) my hero ^^ haha XD
Luckily this time he didn't come because I screwed up, but cos he took the long route home from mike's house =P ahh I love him molto.
So it's time for me to say good bye =P
Good night, God bless =)
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3 years ago
Yey you did it!!!
Knew you had it in you...
your plans sound good
i no some1 hu has to repeat the yr but i dunno if u no them...
im honestly on ur wavelength with courses and stuff xD
ah next week rache <3
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