Hello world
Ahh, we have ac today =P isn't that just grand =D
Ok so I honestly think that the roach community have a thing for me, or against me, the only thing I can really tell is that they like to be around on my shift!! How unfair..
Every shift so far, I've walked into the store room and found myself facing one of these hideous creatures.. blehh! GO AWAY!!!!
So many pests, if only I could eliminate them all.. Haha half the world would instantly disappear *poof*
So boredom gave me the opportunity to find out a few things about the cockroach..
- There are around 4,000 different species of cockroach in the world - LOL WHAT??!
- 30 species are associated with human habitations - and the rest hide away jew?
- about 4 are well known as pests - what about the other 26!?
- The most common is the american cockroach (3cm), the german cockroach (1.5cm), the asian cockroach (1.5cm), the oriental cockroach (2.5cm). Tropical cockroaches are often much bigger, and extinct cockroach relatives like the carboniferous archimylacris and permian apthoroblattina were several times as large as the above. The world's largest cockroach is the australian giant burrowing (9 cm and weighs over 30g) - scary shit..
- Cockroaches are mainly nocturnal and will run away when exposed to light. A peculiar exception is the asian cockroach, which is attracted to lighto - honestly, why?!!!!
- Cockroach legs have been an inspiration to robotic legs - humans suck
- Cockroaches follow each others trails led by pheromones that lead them to food, drink and roaches themselves (for sexy time =P) - omigawd they play hide and seek!!
- Cockroaches can live up to four years - HAHA I CAN LIVE MORE!! But four years, is, A LOT =O
- A female cockroach can produce up to 8 egg capsules in her life, resulting in 300-400 offspring - can you imagine how many roaches there are IN THE WORLD =|
- Cockroaches are known to make hissing noises, but some chirp - bird flu much??!
- Some species are capable of remaining active for a month without food and are able to survive on limited resources like the glue from the back of postage stamps - DON'T LICK STAMPS, use email- save the trees and your tongues ;P
- Some can go without air for 45 minutes or slow down their heart rateS - good at sports ahh, have to give them that much =P
- In one experiment, cockroaches were able to recover from being submerged underwater for half an hour - one came out of my washing machine after a FULL load, they won't even drown in bubbles =S
- Cockraoches can occasionally survive freezing conditions - Nice. They seriously are everywhere. Careful next time you open the damn freezer!
- Cockroaches can actually be linked to alergies such as asthma - BASTARDS.
- Cockroaches are 5 times stronger than humans and on a ratio of 6:15 (humans to cockroaches), can be exposed to radiation and many won't be affected but eventually appear in the long run - .. So much for it being a man's world..
- Wasps in the family evaniidae attack the egg cases and are predators on adult and nymphal cockroaches . The house centipede is probably the most effective control agent of cockroaches, though many homeowners find the centipedes themselves objectionable - object to a centipede, come on, centipede or cockroach.. ??
- Pedanius dioscorides (1st century) and Kamal al-Din al-Damiri and Abu Hanifa ad-Dainuri (9th century)Some of the earliest writings about cockroaches encouraged their use as medicine. all offered medicines that either suggest grinding them up with oil or boiling them. The list of ailments to be treated included earaches, open wounds and "gynecological disorders - I don't even want to imagine treating my wounds with esscence of cockroach..
- Bait stations, gels containinghydramethylnon or fipron, as well as boric acid powder, are toxic to cockroaches. Baits with egg killers are also quite effective at reducing the cockroach population. Additionally, pest control products containing deltamethrin or pyrethrin are very effective. In Singapore and Malaysia, taxi drivers use pandan leaves as a cockroach repellent in their vehicles. In Russia, some people, after opening all cupboards, leave a saucepan half-full of sulfur burning on a gas ring, then quickly come back in to switch it off (with gas mask) and leave the residence for a few days. This is said to be protective for ten years. An inexpensive roach trap can easily be made from a deep smooth-walled jar with some roach food inside, placed with the top of the jar touching a wall or with sticks leading up to the top, so that the roaches can reach the opening. Once inside, they cannot climb back out. An inch or so of water or stale beer (by itself a roach attractant) will ensure they drown. A bit of Vaseline can be smeared on the inside of the jar to enhance slipperiness. This is known as the vegas roach trap - ahhh so there is hope =P
- Research has shown that group-based decision-making is responsible for complex behavior such as resource allocation. In a study where 50 cockroaches were placed in a dish with three shelters with a capacity for 40 insects in each, the insects arranged themselves in two shelters with 25 insects in each, leaving the third shelter empty. When the capacity of the shelters was increased to more than 50 insects per shelter, all of the cockroaches arranged themselves in one shelter. Researchers found a balance between cooperation and competition exists in group decision-making behavior found in cockroaches. The models used in this research can also explain the group dynamics of other insects and animals - now, I'm fucking terrified =|
And yes, I have NO LIFE =P
By the way, I'm on day two at the moment, my boss came in last nigth to use the compute so I had to stop and continued today.. I haven't been into the store room yet so I don't know what cockroach state we're in today =P Also, dan came over last night and killed not one, but TWO roaches for me =P funny stuff ahhh. Not.
So my family leave for sicily tonight, yey 5 days of orphanageness =P But I don't want people to invade this time, keeping the place clean cos I have plans for lie everyday so it's just going to be nice going home to an empty house with dan by my side =) haha playing mummy and daddy with george =P
I'm actually sleeping at his house tonight cos I'm opening here tomorrow morning and we don't have water at home. Believe it, a main water pipe burst on MONDAY and they haven't fixed it yet =| So I'm crashing at dan to be able to wake up knowing that I can surely shower and be at cyber surf on time.
Oh, something else on the cockroach line..
La cucaracha, la cucaracha, | The cockroach, the cockroach, |
ya no puede caminar | can't walk anymore |
porque no tiene, porque le falta | because it doesn't have, because it's lacking |
las dos patitas de atrás. | its two back feet. |
De las patillas de un moro | From the sideburns of a Moor |
tengo que hacer una escoba, | I must make a broom, |
para barrer el cuartel | to sweep the quarters |
la infantería española. | of the Spanish infantry. |
La cucaracha, la cucaracha, | The cockroach, the cockroach, |
ya no puede caminar | can't walk anymore |
porque no tiene, porque le falta | because it doesn't have, because it's lacking |
marihuana par fumar. | marijuana to smoke. |
Ya murió la cucaracha | The cockroach just died |
ya la lleven a enterrar | and they carried him off to bury him |
entre cuatro zopilotes | among four buzzards |
y un ratón de sacristán. | and the sexton's mouse. |
Ya se van los carrancistas, | And the Carrancistas, |
ya se van haciendo bola, | are on full retreat, |
ya los chacales huertistas | and the Huertistan jackals |
se los trayen de la cola. | will catch and imprison them. |
Oigan con gusto estos versos | Happy to hear these verses |
escuchen con atención, | listen attentively, |
ya la pobre cucaracha | and the poor cockroach |
no consigue ni un tostón. | not even a toston. |
Todo se ha puesto muy caro | Everything has been very expensive |
con esta Revolución, | in this Revolution, |
venden la leche por onzas | selling milk by the ounce |
y por gramos el carbón. | and coal by the gram. |
En el norte vive Villa | In the north lives Villa, |
en el sur vive Zapata | In the south lives Zapata |
lo que quiero es venganza | What I want is revenge |
por la muerte de Madero. | For the death of Madero. |
Cuando uno quiere a una | When a man loves a woman |
y esta una no lo quiere, | but she doesn't love him back, |
es lo mismo como si un calvo | it's like a bald man |
en calle encuentra un peine. | finding a comb in the street. |
Mi vecina de enfrente | My neighbor across the street |
se llamaba Doña Clara, | used to call herself Doña Clara, |
y si no hubiera muerto | and if she hadn't died |
así se llamaría. | that's what she would call herself. |
El tonto gringo*, el tonto gringo* *(or sanitized Anglo) | The silly white American |
ya no puede platicar, | can no longer make conversation, |
porque no tiene, porque le falta | because he doesn't have |
español (or castellano) que hablar. | any Spanish to speak. |
I honestly never knew what it was about >_O
Ok, scary shit, I thought I was 39euro under =O I forgot to put the 4 before the 5 and it took me quite a while to realise.. Heart pounding like WAAAAA crazy!! And now I'm one euro over XD
And I need to pee.. And a customer just came in. So I can't go take a piss XD
HOW SWEET!! Arab guy came in for a fanta and asked if I was a student. When I told him that I was maltese he looked impressed and told me that it's funny cos I'm the first maltese person to speak to him with a smile on my face.. ^^ i feel SPACJAL =P
I thiiiiiiiiiink, I shall go read ^^
1 comment:
your cockroach facts creeped me out... also you're special I guess :)
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