Tuesday, 1 September 2009

cake ^^

Hello world =)

There's an absolutely delicious smell wafting through my house; I'm baking ^^
It's christa's birthday today - happy birthday christa =D - and well, if she reads this then oops, spoiler, but I baked her a cake for her birthday =) *glee* hopefully she'll sleep here tonight too, but in case we'll cut it tomorrow.

I just brought it out, looks mighty beautiful ^^ chocolate chip rainbow cake ftw XD

I searched for rainbow cakes on the net.. I feel so untalented XD .. Honestly, take a look:

.. I must try XD

I planned on waking up early and going to the gym, but I woke up feeling hungover, which is very strange once I sat drinking diet coke at mc donalds till 12 =/ hmm, odd. So I woke up at nine, watered the plants, ate a nectarine, made a cake and left it to bake whilst washing my hair. Now I plan on reading slightly, touching up my mum's painting, she decided she wants it "arranged", go to the gym *die a little*, come home and arrange the place for tonight and tomorrow.
A few girls are sleeping over tonight, gay little girl thingy, and theeeeeeen, tomorrow just chill and the guys will come over bla bla relaxed. Then pv to celebrate kris' freedom and christa's birthday =D

Sounds like a plan haha, I love being an orphan and having a house to take care of. I just can't wait till dan gets back so we can "live together" once again ^^

So, happy tuesday 1st september 2009 =)

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