Hello world =)
Yey it's carnival =D .. and I'm one of the few losers stuck here in malta -.-'
Lame much?! Well, dan's mum didn't let him go because it's a wasted weekend (studying wise) ladidaaa. So I'm staying back on the rock with him.
However, kati, bianco, maxine, nikki, dan and I are having our own like dressing up night in lonely paceville this evening o.O
All I know is that I'm going to be the absinthe faerie *glee* and I'm going to miss danelle a lot >.<
So I'm listening to nickelback to keep my life going haha!
Inspiration wise, still dry =/
speaking about dry.. my nails ARE NOT!! I, being the nice person I am, went to help my mum see what to wear to go to barcelona tomorrow.. yeah I smudged FOUR!!!!!!!! moral of the story kids- DON'T HELP PEOPLE!.. It will bite you back in the ass somehow, don't ask me why, but it will =/
Ahh well! Hope to see at east one person I know tonight other than our little reject group XD
To the rest of you, enjoy gozo *MEANIES!!* haha!!
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