Wednesday, 17 February 2010

the contrast within three days..

Hello world!

So my carnival weekend spent in malta was.. different =P

Friday night, beautiful.. "the mafia, the absinthe faerie, the mexican, a cowboy and nikki" .. Wicked =D

That's us!!

From saturday night till monday night dan and I mummied george, and eventually kati and bianco haha! It was very sweet I must say. We cooked, we laughed, we fought, we made up.. funny stuff ie the usual =)

Kati and bianco were hilarious "roomies" . Rather fun weekend =)

(kati and bianco's welcome present.. BAHAHAAAA CHEESEY MUCH?!)

Monday night I slept at dan and on tuesday came home to find george crying his heart out behind the garage door- what a baby ♥

That was my holiday.

Now is reality..

My nannu has been through hell and back for 33years of his life, health wise. Through everything that's been thrown his way, yesterday we found out that he has got serious cancer and has been given a maximum of two months to live.
Please, I'm begging for prayers.. Not for him to live, but for his suffering to seize.

Talk about drastic change from one day to the next..

That's about it really, just please, keep him in your thoughts and prayers

'Till next time,

Friday, 12 February 2010

carnival =)

Hello world =)

Yey it's carnival =D .. and I'm one of the few losers stuck here in malta -.-'
Lame much?! Well, dan's mum didn't let him go because it's a wasted weekend (studying wise) ladidaaa. So I'm staying back on the rock with him.
However, kati, bianco, maxine, nikki, dan and I are having our own like dressing up night in lonely paceville this evening o.O
All I know is that I'm going to be the absinthe faerie *glee* and I'm going to miss danelle a lot >.<
So I'm listening to nickelback to keep my life going haha!

Inspiration wise, still dry =/

speaking about dry.. my nails ARE NOT!! I, being the nice person I am, went to help my mum see what to wear to go to barcelona tomorrow.. yeah I smudged FOUR!!!!!!!! moral of the story kids- DON'T HELP PEOPLE!.. It will bite you back in the ass somehow, don't ask me why, but it will =/

Ahh well! Hope to see at east one person I know tonight other than our little reject group XD

To the rest of you, enjoy gozo *MEANIES!!* haha!!

Tuesday, 9 February 2010


Hello world

Sadly, the title is not positive =(
I need inspiration, BADLY!! I have so much to paint, but no ideas to actually put down on paper.. hence the picture (which I LOVE by the way XD)
So this is just a short post before I go try and draw but then give up cos I can no longer think =| oh well.

Hope you all have a wonderful day whilst I sit here and rot ^^ haha!

Friday, 5 February 2010

go blow yourselves up, damn it!!

Hello world.

Ok, seriously now, this world SUCKS! What the hell is wrong with everyone?!
I've come to realise that there is not one person involved in my life that is not either selfish, rude, judgmental, hypocritical, arrogant, insensitive bla bla!
BLEHH!! Horrible people, terrible actions, dying morals, poor poor earth ='(

I'm sorry, I'm just so sick of absolutely everyone. Honestly, I was that I could find a hollow tree in the middle of a peaceful field and just live there forever.

No more people = no more bullshit.

And that is exactly how I feel!