Monday, 1 September 2008

just another day

Being as i spent so long without posting, I shall make it up to my blog, and myself, with the lamest most odd updates ever- because I missed it =P
So last night I worked for around 3 hours max, then joanna and I had a drink and shared a bowl of chips whilst "watching the game". We sat down and ordered the chips together with a heavenly angel (strawberries, banana, ice etc hehe) for jo and a silky stocking for me (chocolate, tequila, cream bla bla bla). Two very delicious drinks (except I don't like banana so I can't really call the heavenly angel delicious). As they slowly arrived at our table *story mode* darren, the barman, was just staring at us- immediate reaction; something's wrong with our drinks XD
So we figured out what extra ingredient came with both of them.. Whilst mine was a little hidden message "ara tisker cassa" pinned to the garnish, joanna's was somewhat nastier- but I ended up getting the full dose >.<
Tabasco. Not too tasty =P
I mean I was quite reluctant to have the first sip knowing that it would be all bananay and the taste would just stick in my mouth like a horrid medicine, but I never expected that burning sensation XD talk about an unexpected attack haha! So, yeah, that's it really.
It's kinda like when you fall for temptation I guess, it seems so appealing and then wow- in your face. That's what the devil does, he's so charming, so sexy, yet so dangerous. And like in my case, knowing that I wouldn't like it i took a sip anyway. It's like accepting sin even when we know it's wrong, knowing that we will have to face consequences in the end, but not realising just how bad they really will be.
Oh and jumping to a totally different picture, I have to apply at naxxar on wednesday.. not fair!! I enjoyed being schooless for the second summer in a row, I can't believe I'm going to second year and not going back to junior collage is pretty damn weird.. But I get to spend more time with my pumpkin *finally* God I missed being at school with kris. And obviously I get to be at school with ed and pete etc etc etcccc. How grand. So once again I'll be like a little cheerio floating amongst many anothers in a bowl of milk *staring down at my own bowl of milky cheerios* so alone, yet so surrounded. Hopefully I'll find a future destination this year, keep praying- that's the key.
Well if anyone bothered to read this, well done =P
God bless you all ^^
*happy birthday chrissy ahhhh*


Anonymous said...

I love your blog rache :) xxxxxx

LG said...

yey what a cute post.
I ditto debz.
keep blogging i think its the random stuff that are funnest
im going to miss you :(

Amy said...

i think you're mad =)

. said...

haha :P i like it..oo naxxar is said to be rly fun so u should enjoy it there :) and with pete ed n kris its just gna be plain hilarious XD gud luck for second year :)