Wednesday, 17 September 2008

the past two weeks..

Hello world =)
So I haven't posted in a while for my internet wasn't working well over the week when my parents very lovingly abandoned me to a week of fun so I couldn't blog and when it finally started to work again I was caught up with things like work (blehh) and y4j and sleep and going out.. and lazing about- fine!!
So as a responsive update to the former major dilhemma thing, I didn't really have a choice in the matter cos my mum wouldn't let me do otherwise but I see that it is the bestest option possible- behold the master plan..
first year at naxxar as revision and in that way finishing school latest at 3:10 so that I can go home and study. It seems mad, but it really isn't too bad. And this is why..
English A - private lessons, done a year of being half aware and now have another one + study a lot with kris and kat
Art A - I promise to start painting/drawing (had a work meeting and stayed drawing on the paper and got funny yet impressed looks lool) and will actually pay attention and study history
Philosophy I - history and ethics are done, logic and ethics and done at first year in naxxar so I'm covered and I love philosophy
Biology I - private lessons, kris is tutoring me *lol* and school and lots of studying
Relgion I - good notes, bible, study
Soo, that's my plan.
Now if I don't get my As and intermediates this year, I'll do second year next year. Atleast I'll be giving them a try hehe.
So that was school..
In the meantime that week of being an orphan was awesome we had a real great time.. somehow a chair broke and the neighbours complained about the noise but I peronsally think that the funniest was on saturday morning when kris got stuck in my bathroom and had to climb through the window leading to the shaft and then leading to the study- how psyco! We also had a roach attack but that's besides the point haha. Oh and a water/soap/expired beer fight in my garden which all started with gruppetta bringing it all apon himself whilst butting into a conversation between pete and I whilst I was trying to get him not to wet them- it was grand =P so many things, my poor sister got to find out how mad we really are, I think we scared her slightly but then she realised that we're nice people =P actually, I haven't fought with her once since then.. good observation rache =) haha!
Now it's our last week of all being together once de la salle and 2nd year naxxar start next week so we're trying to enjoy it best as possible. Last night we had agreat girls night (and then pete and gruppetta invaded for like half an hour at the end haha) how nuts we're so silly.
My day plan is basically do my bio homework, study, (if rob comes over) smash a dressing table over the balcony, private lessons, go out, come in, sleep =P then Jesus and planning fit throughout the day all day long ^^
Until I decide to post avery long blog including nothing of use or intelligence again, so long may God be with you =)


LG said...

Hmm it isn't such a bad plan... So I wish you best of luck and if you need any help (although I don't have any of those subjects) you know where I live :P..

. said...

i think the school idea is gud :) im glad u sorted things out heh
and krissi's story, just well hilarious even though i didnt see it happenin myself it's rly funny XD
glad u had a nice week Gbu n tc :) x x x

Maxi said...

yeyyyy school plan !! dw rache ur gonna kick ass ! just stick to ur plan and give it ur all and leave the rest in god's hands !!

waaaaa living at u was like awesome! hahaha krissy getting stuck in the bathroom was like priceles! roach fest was flipping scary !! u forgot the billions of times we sang 'i kissed a girl'...i have about 3 different vids of us singing it loool..omg and BEBE TV ! hahaha.. and dude u forgot to mention ur insanely huge rash !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anywhooo... love u loads harfyyyyyy !!!! XDXDXD i cant believe summer is over :(:(

rache said...

wow it's so true I forgot =| will blog about them lool!!