Tuesday, 6 May 2008


I haven't blogged in almost 4 weeks- I'm ashamed!
Sorry but I've been really caught up at the moment, and for around two weeks my pc wasn't working at all, but nothing justifies my neglective attitude to my blog =\
Ok so the week that my pc stopped working something happened to me on the bus- my "God loves me badge" (the blue one with the white heart) fell off in the bus and I picked it up and nearly burst out crying right there because I was feeling really unloved and it was just a sign from God to remind me that He does love me. It happened again yesterday. I had a bit of a rough morning (even though it was only 7:40 haha) and God just did it again to remind me that He loves me, no matter what =D
I have to go to continue researching stuff for my art project.
Sorry that I broke my pledge =( but as soon as school + exams are over, I'll get back to blogging regulary once again =)
God bless you all and good night! And sorry once again..


LG said...

Yey, I've been waiting for this, I hope everything is ok now :)
love ya

Anonymous said...

yey ure baccckkk!
love you always rache xxx

maria angela said...

how sweet rache ='] was clckin on ur blog everyday to see if u updated haha xD xxxx God bls ya lots nd gd luck in ur exams!!!

. said...

wiiii u posted...u should be sorry >_< we've all been waitin young missy :P but now ur back bloggin *glee*...how cute of the bus and the badge and the awesomness of God :) wiii rache we're loved by Him how awesomo is that??!! and its so amazing n cute n lovely how He lets us knw in every way possible...how awseome our God is man...
Gbu n tc gud luck for exams:) sure u'll do brill

Martine said...

even in the times u feel most unloved, remember that God ALWAYS loves u... and so do I!! :P **Hugs**

Amy said...

amy loves rachel too much!and i simply cant wait for an amazing summer with you!love you baby

Marquita said...

Regarding the post "Bad Day". Sorry for reading late. For people who want to become doctors but cannot get into the Uni course "the conventional way" (with the 3 Bs or better in your MATSEC A levels), there are opportunities that can allow you to get an MD as a postgrad student. That is, you get ANY degree and then you enroll yourself in a medical school. There's a chance that, by the time you get a degree, the RCSI will open a medical school here in Malta that will allow postgrad students to become doctors. Obviously, it will come at a cost (the education is not free), but it's an option perhaps worth considering if you love the profession SOOO much.

OK Rach? Need anything just let me know; leave a comment on my blog or something...


Marquita ("ex-Y4J Leader")

WeUsed2bu said...

My name is Doree AKA Daughter of Destiny. I just launched a Christian Advice Site for teens and woung women. Its called WeUsed2bu.

WeUsed2BU is an advice site for Christian girls and young women that need positive guidance with their everyday lives. We provide wisdom and encouragement using the Word of God and our life experiences.

I noticed you have the desire to spread the Good News. Perhaps you & your friends can help us by doing one or all of the following:

* Add us to your Fun Sites blog roll
* Put our Image/link on your site
* Tell your friends
* Most of all pray for us and readers

Check us out and Pray about..

In the Love of Christ,

