Friday, 4 January 2008

what a day!

Ok, I'm so so soooo sorry that I havn't posted in ages and achie's been telling me off and I have a few mintues of doing nothing at the moment so I'm just going to post osmething tiny and (hopefully) when I come home I'll continue. I'm just about to leave for robert galea's launch of 'what a day'. It's the second night and once I'm ushering, I have to be there at around 7. Yesterday rob, tine, pete, ben and I went at 2 and tine and I stayed on till after the concert- ahhhh! All I'm going to say is well done once again to rob, it's an amazing piece of work =) [you make me so proud =') *<- wipes tear* haha] He's a really big inspiration to us all (being inspired by God Himself =P) and his album really helps to pray with and to listen to just for kicks (it really is that good!) This guy is just living for God's glory and I find that incredible!
Ok, I'm off! God bless you all and don't forget- buy his CD and as well as keeping one for your room and your future car, give them as gifts all through out this year =P


LG said...

so glad you enjoyed it .. wish I was there .. will be seeing you soon!!!
keep up the blogging!

Anonymous said...

twwwaaas amaasing i agreee!!!
d dim lights o so pretty.. d candles.. d live band.. rob singing... d dances lool... d usshersss... d sales ppls.. haha we all ruled prosit everyone .. speically bob!!!!