Wednesday, 24 September 2008

a whole new world..

Hello world,
I am officially blogging from my room and not from the crappy slow stone aged laptop that I tend to steel from my dad =D finally, internet connection in up in my room thanks to rob *love you!!* and I can finally say that I don't have to leave my room unless I need to shower and release myself from any unwanted body material =P oh and I guess eat, but that's not really important XD
Ahhh it's going to be so much better now, I won't be falling asleep near the pc so often out of sheer lazyness when it comes to going upstairs to my room- I can just swivel my chair right over to my bed and plonk =D and I'm chucking my crappy stereo downstairs cos now I'll never use it once I have all I need in this horrible 'box of technology' that I happen to love oh so very much =) I have to buy speakers now. My mum got me a set but like, I want to get better ones so I'm going to change them.. thinking of a surround sound by creative or something..
So that's part of my "whole new world", being computerful in my room- glee =D
So tomorrow we're being "spoilt showoffs" (quoted from my mum) and spending the night at the westin XD all I know is that zoe, kris and I are going to be there, I have no clue who else (apart from zoe's elder sister) is coming but yeyyyyy we're going to have such a blast!! We're checking in at half 2 (kris and I are meeting at 1 to see if we can buy her a nice top from baystreet or something lol) and spending the afternoon chilling/swimming/being lazy lol. Then we'll get ready and have a *hopefully* kickass night out, and then head "home" and sleep in one sexy room all together like princesses lool! And wake up for breakfast and then chillax all day by the pool or something XD megaly excited..
So that's the other part hehe. Sometimes I wish that we were all rich and living in a high class society where we have to dress up daily and make an appearance ladida, but really, I'd die by the end of it >.< (I just continued this and when to arrnage it and it all got deleted.. wth!!!!!!!) though seriosuly, I'm fine the way I am. Fine, a little bit *ok maybe a lottle bit more lol* cash would help but I have all I need- my friends, my health *kinda*, my education, my family but most of all- I have Jesus =D and I'm sorry guys, but nothing and no one will EVER take His place.. amen =)
Now I have no clue what else I typed before it all got deleted bloody hell but I guess it couldn't have been thaaaat important if I don't exactly remember it XD I know that I mentioned that I need to see what to take with me and mentioned things like tops, skirt, trousers, bikini *blehh*, towel, undies, shoes, junk food lol. I have my outfit for tomorrow night sorted, I hope hehe, but to go and come and stuff, well, as usual- I'm clueless, and proud hehe.. So that's my addition to a whole new world (living like gossip girl for a day wooooo)
I think I'm dragging on for nothing..
God bless you loads guys, good night
.. off to plonk onto my bed =D .. yeaaah!!

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

the past two weeks..

Hello world =)
So I haven't posted in a while for my internet wasn't working well over the week when my parents very lovingly abandoned me to a week of fun so I couldn't blog and when it finally started to work again I was caught up with things like work (blehh) and y4j and sleep and going out.. and lazing about- fine!!
So as a responsive update to the former major dilhemma thing, I didn't really have a choice in the matter cos my mum wouldn't let me do otherwise but I see that it is the bestest option possible- behold the master plan..
first year at naxxar as revision and in that way finishing school latest at 3:10 so that I can go home and study. It seems mad, but it really isn't too bad. And this is why..
English A - private lessons, done a year of being half aware and now have another one + study a lot with kris and kat
Art A - I promise to start painting/drawing (had a work meeting and stayed drawing on the paper and got funny yet impressed looks lool) and will actually pay attention and study history
Philosophy I - history and ethics are done, logic and ethics and done at first year in naxxar so I'm covered and I love philosophy
Biology I - private lessons, kris is tutoring me *lol* and school and lots of studying
Relgion I - good notes, bible, study
Soo, that's my plan.
Now if I don't get my As and intermediates this year, I'll do second year next year. Atleast I'll be giving them a try hehe.
So that was school..
In the meantime that week of being an orphan was awesome we had a real great time.. somehow a chair broke and the neighbours complained about the noise but I peronsally think that the funniest was on saturday morning when kris got stuck in my bathroom and had to climb through the window leading to the shaft and then leading to the study- how psyco! We also had a roach attack but that's besides the point haha. Oh and a water/soap/expired beer fight in my garden which all started with gruppetta bringing it all apon himself whilst butting into a conversation between pete and I whilst I was trying to get him not to wet them- it was grand =P so many things, my poor sister got to find out how mad we really are, I think we scared her slightly but then she realised that we're nice people =P actually, I haven't fought with her once since then.. good observation rache =) haha!
Now it's our last week of all being together once de la salle and 2nd year naxxar start next week so we're trying to enjoy it best as possible. Last night we had agreat girls night (and then pete and gruppetta invaded for like half an hour at the end haha) how nuts we're so silly.
My day plan is basically do my bio homework, study, (if rob comes over) smash a dressing table over the balcony, private lessons, go out, come in, sleep =P then Jesus and planning fit throughout the day all day long ^^
Until I decide to post avery long blog including nothing of use or intelligence again, so long may God be with you =)

Thursday, 4 September 2008

.. a bit of a major dilhemma

*very brief, in a bit of a hurry to get started*
Ouch, today was quite a blow.
I'm facing a dilhemma and I honestly do not know what to do.
I'm officially schooless.
Naxxar, the school that accepts everyone, didn't accept me.
So, I'm iether studying on my own for the year and doing my As and hoping to do well because I really am going to push myself, or do first year again as revision and study second year at home and do my As ladida. Point is, I have to get my Alevels in 2009- no doubt!
And even though many many people do sixth form on their own by the end of it, it came as a shock.
So I'm just praying and thinking about what to do with this year and hopefully it will be the right desicion, after all, it's quite a big one..
So if you have any spare time please pray for me, it will be much appreciated =)
In the meantime, God knows what's going to happen and I have to keep praising and not let something this stupid stop me from concentrating and living for Him.
I'm off to go and sort myself out and then start studying I guess.
After all, it can't be that bad, can it?

Monday, 1 September 2008

just another day

Being as i spent so long without posting, I shall make it up to my blog, and myself, with the lamest most odd updates ever- because I missed it =P
So last night I worked for around 3 hours max, then joanna and I had a drink and shared a bowl of chips whilst "watching the game". We sat down and ordered the chips together with a heavenly angel (strawberries, banana, ice etc hehe) for jo and a silky stocking for me (chocolate, tequila, cream bla bla bla). Two very delicious drinks (except I don't like banana so I can't really call the heavenly angel delicious). As they slowly arrived at our table *story mode* darren, the barman, was just staring at us- immediate reaction; something's wrong with our drinks XD
So we figured out what extra ingredient came with both of them.. Whilst mine was a little hidden message "ara tisker cassa" pinned to the garnish, joanna's was somewhat nastier- but I ended up getting the full dose >.<
Tabasco. Not too tasty =P
I mean I was quite reluctant to have the first sip knowing that it would be all bananay and the taste would just stick in my mouth like a horrid medicine, but I never expected that burning sensation XD talk about an unexpected attack haha! So, yeah, that's it really.
It's kinda like when you fall for temptation I guess, it seems so appealing and then wow- in your face. That's what the devil does, he's so charming, so sexy, yet so dangerous. And like in my case, knowing that I wouldn't like it i took a sip anyway. It's like accepting sin even when we know it's wrong, knowing that we will have to face consequences in the end, but not realising just how bad they really will be.
Oh and jumping to a totally different picture, I have to apply at naxxar on wednesday.. not fair!! I enjoyed being schooless for the second summer in a row, I can't believe I'm going to second year and not going back to junior collage is pretty damn weird.. But I get to spend more time with my pumpkin *finally* God I missed being at school with kris. And obviously I get to be at school with ed and pete etc etc etcccc. How grand. So once again I'll be like a little cheerio floating amongst many anothers in a bowl of milk *staring down at my own bowl of milky cheerios* so alone, yet so surrounded. Hopefully I'll find a future destination this year, keep praying- that's the key.
Well if anyone bothered to read this, well done =P
God bless you all ^^
*happy birthday chrissy ahhhh*