Thursday, 4 October 2007

school day one =P

First day of school. Hmm what can I say? Weird! Ok, so I nearly missed my graphic communication/engineering drawing lessons cos I wrote down room 139 instead of 159 which inconviently does not exsist XD Oh and I couldn't find 420B because there wasn't a sign on the door >.< Uwija, I got to them in the end. Luckily my last art lesson was switched to wednesday so I have five lessons after eachother and not six. The lessons were cool I guess even though I fell asleep in art XD That was a funny experience, thank God the teacher was ok with it once he was old and stuff and just laughed at me when I said sorry =P That's really it hehe, now we'll see about tomorrow though I'm not worried cos the day's great (art, free, systems, philosophy, home)
Good night and God bless =)

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

first few days of a whole new world

It's nearly 9 at the moment and I soon have to go upstairs to shower and get all my stuff ready and continue reading harry potter once again =P Tomorrow we start school; officially. I've been in on monday, tuesday and today but the real stuff starts tomorrow. Till now, all we've done is get our timetables sorted, go shopping (stationary and clothes funnily enough =P), pirce my eleventh hole (XD) and laugh at evething possible. My time table's pretty good apart from thursdays! God, thursdays suck so much. I start with phyiscs and english, then a free, followed by engineering drawing/draphic communication, english, double art, philosphy and art again.. EIGHT HOURS OF LESSONS AND ONE HOUR FREE!! ouch =( Oh well, at least it's the only messed up day hehe. I kinda hope that I'd know a person in every lesson but i really want to pay attention so I'm better off on my own. I know that I have matthew in 3 of my english classes and glenn is with me for systems so hopefully we won't get all distracted but help eachother instead.. hopefully =P
Anways I'm getting slightly excited for the big dig on friday hehe. Just yesterday we finished the gifts =D I'm sure it's going to be great cos I'm really being attacked at the moment =/ Now I'll post all that on friday at like 1pm when I come in from school before I leave to go and set up. Take care and I'll post again tomorrow about how the first worse school day I'll have everyweek for the next two years was hehe. God bless!